NOC - Nannies On Call
NOC stands for Nannies On Call
Here you will find, what does NOC stand for in Manpower under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Nannies On Call? Nannies On Call can be abbreviated as NOC What does NOC stand for? NOC stands for Nannies On Call. What does Nannies On Call mean?The Canada based company is located in Vancouver, British Columbia engaged in staffing and recruiting industry.
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Alternative definitions of NOC
- The Networking Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Nantahala Outdoors Center
- Networks Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Network Operations Center
- Network Operations Center
- Nantahala Outdoor Center
View 83 other definitions of NOC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- NCC Nature Care College
- NPL National Peroxide Limited
- NCSU North Country Supervisory Union
- NPMHC Northern Pines Mental Health Center
- NFTA Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
- NTMWL Nandi Toyota Motor World Ltd
- NCS National Credit Systems
- NCC Nebraska Christian College
- NHSWF NHS Waltham Forest
- NSHS Newton South High School
- NPII National Property Inspections Inc.
- NGNI Nitta Gelatin Na Inc.
- NYCOMB NYC Office of Management and Budget
- NCGL Nicholls Colton Group Ltd
- NGSL Northcott Global Solutions Ltd